This is our first post but there is no way to include all that we have seen and experienced. A summary seems insufficient but it will have to do until you come and visit us. We spent the first few days in Guatemala catching up on sleep, buying groceries and exploring the picturesque town of Antigua. The buildings open directly to the narrow sidewalk through ornate, often arched, doors. It is only when you are standing in the doorway that you can peek inside to find a pharmacy, bookstore, bank, restaurant, hotel,or tropical garden. The sign outside is no indication to the mystery within. It is a constant adventure. The city is surrounded by mountains so it is cool jean weather every morning and evening. The afternoons are sunny but end with a rain. In a country the size Ohio there are over thirty volcanoes although only 16 or so are active. Three, Volcan de Agua, Fuego and Pacaya, are the constant backdrop to our life here. They remind us of our small size and lack of control- as if we needed the reminder! There are gorgeous ruins of churches around town from previous earthquakes. These plus the arches and columns give the town a Italian/Romanesque feel. The stucco is reminiscent of Southern California but the Catholic influence makes it is uniquely Central American.
Our feet are sore from trekking for a week on the cobble stones in flip flops. Our guest house is a few km outside town so we commute by chicken bus then walk from one side of town to the other to class. How these converted school busses were named I have no idea but it does evoke a bit of the feeling. 80 people with goods for the market and sleeping children are "easily" stuffed inside. It is fun trying to squeeze between people sitting four to a seat. I feel like I am given birth everyday. We are looking into a vespa or motorcycle for our commute- it will save our feet but also let us safely stay in town in the evenings.
We have completed our first week of Spanish classes. It is overwhelming but so good. Our brains were fried by Friday- so we played soccer instead of conjugating irregular verbs. Of the hundreds of new words, here are some of my favorites:
el rompecabeza (a break your head) = puzzle
la tierramoto (an earth motor) = earthquake
los anteojos (before your eyes) = glasses
igriega = the letter "y"
It has been great being here but we have had our bouts of homesickness. On Friday night, we shared a blanket on our damp sofa and watched Pelican Brief which is set on Capital Hill. It was both a cure and a disease for our state. On Saturday I started nesting a bit, which was a good sign and am on the lookout for a nice blanket and a coffee press. We are gaining speed on being able to cook for ourselves in a healthy and cheap manner which helps too. Full bellies make happy people. Life is good. Life is rich. Life is crazy. We are holding on.
More later.
Hi guys. Its good to hear from you. I remember the spanish head aches after a long day of conjugating. They will start to become less and less over time :) We look forward to keeping in touch and seeing photos. Chau,
Andrea! How did I fall so out of the loop that I didn't know about this life change! Jason and I will read along, living vicariously through you and Luke :)
Blessings! -Emo
Hola beleza,
So good to hear of you* Look forward to hearing about your life and adventures in Guatemala...
Looks like my boss is sending me there late november, i do hope I can see you then,
Amigos! Como estan. Parece que estan felizes. Nosotros estamos bien pero hace mucho calor. Estoy un poco celosa por la clima que tienen alli. Hoy dia casi mori por el sol, y estamos en epoca invierno!
Ahora, este moto de la que hablaron. Yo se que es mas facil PERO, hay que tener mucho quidado. Los moto's son peligroso in los estados, pero es otra cosa aqui en el sur.
Ok that is enough. I'm just showing off because I need the boost. I feel like I haven't really improved in my Spanish for the last six months. I think I need to start taking classes again because that is the only time I study. And being a visual learner I don't just pick it up from hearing it. Anyway it is great to be able to keep up with you guys. Hope things are going well. We will be praying for you!
good to hear from ustedes, you crazy birds. i agree with gringo news... cuidado con el moto... but then i'm extry sensitive right now cause someone slammed into my car the day before my birthday. tough luck. and no car now. so it goes. keep blogging and emailing and calling and whatnot... be well
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