Iglesia Merced. Typical of the 20 churches in Antigua. This is a functioning church. You are able to visit the ruins of its ancient, pre-earthquake edifice located just to the north. Our language school occupies a garden that is bordered on one side by the ruins. It is lovely.

This is the fountain outside Iglesia Merced (above). 200+ pigeons make a temporary flight though the open square when the church bells sound at key hours durring the day. It is worth being a few mintues late to see the 8am spectacle.

a typical fountain. this one is from a walkway near central park - on the way to cafe condess (see below!)

umm... good coffee.
hey guys, thanks for the updates on your life...it looks/sounds like a beautiful place. glad you're enjoying your exotic adventure!
Hey guys! We miss you around the house. Love the pictures and updates. Project Runway is coming to an end soon. Melissa and I will eat some ice cream in remembrance of you tonight!!
and good coffee is hard to find, strangely enough!
gaww, beautiful! sounds like you are settling in. we all are missing you here in the states. send us your address when you get a chance...(eleanor)
Very beautiful. For some reason I only had that first post bookmarked so I have been waiting for updates only to find out that I was 5 posts behind. Oh well, now I am current.
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