Thursday, November 30, 2006

How to renew a tourist visa in 10 easy steps:

1. Take the chicken bus (or several) to the Migration Office in Guatemala City. It is located next to Hotel Conquistador.

2. Kindly leave all weapons in the private lock-boxes provided at the door. Exchange your ID (if you brought one) for a visitors pass.

3. Take the stairs to the 4th floor, to be sent to the 2nd floor, to be sent back down to the 1st floor next to the front door where you started.

4. Fill out a simple application and head back to the 2nd floor to make fotocopies of original visa and your credit card?!.

5. Return forms and copies to the first floor

6. Wait in line at the bank located at the next window

7. Leave and wander the neighborhood to find a ATM since the bank only accepts cash. (repeat weapon and ID exchange at the door if needed)

8. Pay bank teller about $15 per visa- make sure you have exact change

9. Return to 2nd floor to make copies of bank recipt

10. Hand in copy of recipt to window on 1st floor and wait for a confimation date when you can return and actually recover your passport ( in a few days and several chicken buses later) with big new fancy visa allowing legal access for 3 more months.


Blogger w. said...

gross. just go to honduras for a week and then return. or belize.

6:54 AM  
Blogger Luke & Andrea said...

we will have to leave the country in Febuary for sure- but we will have to go to Mexico or Belize. We will likely head to Mexica since it is closer and cheaper. Travel between Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador and Guate no longer counts for renewing visa.

4:28 PM  

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