long ago,in the area which is now the town of Ciudad Veiga lived the first Spanish Conquistador, Don Pedro de Alvarado. Ciudad Veiga, or Old City, is at the base of Volcan de Agua. The Don, his wife, Doña Beatriz de la Cueva, and their troops settled here in an attempt to avoid further battles with "uncooperative" Mayan groups in the north. Within a short time their castle was built and the original indigenous inhabitants were fleeing into the mountains. Naturally, no mayans agreed to forced eviction and hundreds were killed as spears and arrows could not withstand Spanish swords of steal. Representing his people, one man named Tucun Uman, challenged Don Pedro to a dual to the rights of the land. Inevitably, Tucun Uman fell to the skill of Don Pedro. The faithful followers of Tecun, however, soon sought revenge in the form of a spear through the heart of Don Pedro. Doña Beatriz assumed authority with fierce anger and grief. For days she cursed the heavens. And then it began to rain. Some say the rain was in response to her petitions and others claim that it was in punishment for her curses. Either way, it rained without end for thirteen days. On the thirteenth day, there was a tremendous earthquake, strong enough to break open the volcano and release a lake of water that had collected in the crater. The inundation swept away all things living in Ciudad Veiga. Even today, when people dig wells and install drainage pipes they find skulls, bowls, and jewelry of this ancient time. The former church lays fourteen layers of silt and earth below the current structure on the same site. Only three small sections of Don Pedro´s castle are still standing. The city is re-inhabited in the shadow of what has since be named Volcan de Agua.
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