Hello friends,
Andrea and I have been very busy since we left Guatemala April 12th. Everything went reasonably well and it was quite a shock to arrive in Charlotte, NC for our short layover. Immediately we were faced with angry customs officials, and ushered into the land of the giants. We were all of a sudden average people, in height, language, looks, and culture, etc. On the other hand, hot water from bathroom faucets and clean drinking fountains were welcome comforts.
Since arriving we have visited with many friends and family starting in Washington DC. An amazingly comfortable apartment kept us rested and warm (frickin freezing outside), and housed my parents while they visited. If you ever need a furnished apartment right near Union Station we know the best option, thanks John and Andy! It was great seeing my sisters and parents and wandering around our old neighborhood, speaking Spanish even!
Since then we've gone to Lancaster City, Pa - Fredricksburg, VA - Philadelphia, PA - Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY - Rochester, NY - and now we are in Syracuse, NY with Andrea's family. Whffeew, the fun never stops.
I have confirmed my intention to attend NC State beginning July 2nd and we plan to visit Raleigh this week for a look around. We hope to line up an apartment there by June 1st if not sooner. So now you have people to visit in NC, we'll be a short drive from the Mtns and ocean!
Of course this is the cliff's notes version of our last month or so, but we saw lots of good friends, ate some of my favorite foods (Viola's Subs), drank really good beer, and caught up with family.
Check in again soon as we are putting the finishing touches on our best Guatemala photos. We be including a link to another site which should allow a better viewing experience.
I hope your all well, we miss you guys from Guate, and can't wait to plan our return.
Abrazos a todos, Luke
WOW! When I responded to your e-mail Andrea, I had no idea you guys were moving to Raleigh!!! YAY! :)
welcome back to another home (or many, as it sounds like you've been all over already). hope this finds you well, and as you mentioned, adjusting to once average things that now seem odd.
i just finished school, and am enjoying the bliss of summer. when you need yet another place to visit, i'll be your nyc host :).
be in touch--i'd love to hear in person how my lovely friends are faring. all my contact stuff is the same--phone, email.
much love, ole pals. can't wait to hear more about your wild crazy adventures. (and i have some wonderful people in nc if you need some initial connections . . .)
lata, gatas
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