Favorite memories from our trip to Mexico and Xela.

- Eating kick arse tacos in Tapachula, Mexico! The peso is very weak even compared to the quetzal. In fact my memories of Tapapchula are good food, wedding dress stores, VW bugs, the fleet of public minibuses, and they are much taller people than guatemalans. And oh do they love their neon paint!

- Xela Natural History Museum's floor to ceiling collection of stuffed, pickled, and dried animals. They had everything from the shocking 8 legged baby goat, dozens of corn snakes in jars, a chow chow dog on top of two lions, and many large birds held together with conspicuous amounts of tape. Not to mention the holy Quetzal bird in a gold-leaved show case, (if only the living ones were this protected.)Does it get any better! I had tears in my eyes I laughed so hard! I guess I'm sort of a freak as well...
- Incredible views while riding through the western highlands of Guate. Rolling fog, small farming villages, new beautiful textiles and faces, the occasional forest, and shear drops of hundreds of feet inches from our ferocious chicken bus.
Andrea's new fashion sun glasses rhine stones and all made me laugh as much as anything this trip!
- Xela has a great local brew called "Cabro" started by german migrants in the late 1800's. There is an odd german influence in Xela as many germans fled there before and after the war years. It has since been bought out by Gallo sad but true.
- Our hotel in Xela had a "shockingly" hot shower in it! Eventually we had the courage to actually try it Luke first of course, and some how survived.

- In Xela we visited a modern mall in order to see a movie, and we were suprised that the majority of people were traditional mayan women shopping and working there. The scene provided many ironic moments ie a group of traditionally dressed mayan woman balancing huge piles of cardboard boxes on their heads while window shopping at the pet store. Mixed feeling with that for sure... Memories of Ï Heart Huckabees¨ and I quote ¨You don´t think Steven and his family couldn´t use some suburban sprall?¨
- Eating kick arse tacos in Tapachula, Mexico! The peso is very weak even compared to the quetzal. In fact my memories of Tapapchula are good food, wedding dress stores, VW bugs, the fleet of public minibuses, and they are much taller people than guatemalans. And oh do they love their neon paint!
- Xela Natural History Museum's floor to ceiling collection of stuffed, pickled, and dried animals. They had everything from the shocking 8 legged baby goat, dozens of corn snakes in jars, a chow chow dog on top of two lions, and many large birds held together with conspicuous amounts of tape. Not to mention the holy Quetzal bird in a gold-leaved show case, (if only the living ones were this protected.)Does it get any better! I had tears in my eyes I laughed so hard! I guess I'm sort of a freak as well...
- Incredible views while riding through the western highlands of Guate. Rolling fog, small farming villages, new beautiful textiles and faces, the occasional forest, and shear drops of hundreds of feet inches from our ferocious chicken bus.
- Xela has a great local brew called "Cabro" started by german migrants in the late 1800's. There is an odd german influence in Xela as many germans fled there before and after the war years. It has since been bought out by Gallo sad but true.
- Our hotel in Xela had a "shockingly" hot shower in it! Eventually we had the courage to actually try it Luke first of course, and some how survived.
- In Xela we visited a modern mall in order to see a movie, and we were suprised that the majority of people were traditional mayan women shopping and working there. The scene provided many ironic moments ie a group of traditionally dressed mayan woman balancing huge piles of cardboard boxes on their heads while window shopping at the pet store. Mixed feeling with that for sure... Memories of Ï Heart Huckabees¨ and I quote ¨You don´t think Steven and his family couldn´t use some suburban sprall?¨
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