Subimos Agua

After months of staring 12,240 feet up at our beloved Volcàn de Agua, we finally climbed the volcano, albiet last minute and a bit hung over. With our friends Pete and Kevin caught the trail in Santa Maria de Jesùs and slowly picked our way over a rocky and trash strewn path. There were so many memorable parts. It was a windy day so at times the clouds were zooming past us at incredible speeds. About half way up, the landscape changed from a green canopy to rocky cliffs covered with fuzzy tuffs of ornamental grass. There is one great scar of a canyon to cross that reminded me of the eternal abis from "Garden State". We came across plants that we had never seen before including a really cool dragon-foot flower. The views absolutely were amazing from that high up and it was entertaining to pick out familiar places below. The crater is sadly trashed with litter and broken bottles around a rocky soccer field (where better to play soccer?) and a little chapel that is home to squatters. We were, however, too pooped at the sumit to climb the other rim to see the Pacific Ocean on the other side. I fully realized how long the climb was only when we ran back down hoping to catch the last bus and beat sunset. Bus long gone, a group of eleven of us jumped in the back of a pick up and speed back to Antigua, squealing around blind turns and holding on for dear life (definately the most dangerous and scary part of the journey).
Home is always a great return . We aren´t too sore today but definately looking forward to tomorrow and the opportunity to sit all day on the bus to Mexico.

luke chillin´at Jean Luis´ incredible house with Volcàn Agua ever in the background
After months of staring 12,240 feet up at our beloved Volcàn de Agua, we finally climbed the volcano, albiet last minute and a bit hung over. With our friends Pete and Kevin caught the trail in Santa Maria de Jesùs and slowly picked our way over a rocky and trash strewn path. There were so many memorable parts. It was a windy day so at times the clouds were zooming past us at incredible speeds. About half way up, the landscape changed from a green canopy to rocky cliffs covered with fuzzy tuffs of ornamental grass. There is one great scar of a canyon to cross that reminded me of the eternal abis from "Garden State". We came across plants that we had never seen before including a really cool dragon-foot flower. The views absolutely were amazing from that high up and it was entertaining to pick out familiar places below. The crater is sadly trashed with litter and broken bottles around a rocky soccer field (where better to play soccer?) and a little chapel that is home to squatters. We were, however, too pooped at the sumit to climb the other rim to see the Pacific Ocean on the other side. I fully realized how long the climb was only when we ran back down hoping to catch the last bus and beat sunset. Bus long gone, a group of eleven of us jumped in the back of a pick up and speed back to Antigua, squealing around blind turns and holding on for dear life (definately the most dangerous and scary part of the journey).
Home is always a great return . We aren´t too sore today but definately looking forward to tomorrow and the opportunity to sit all day on the bus to Mexico.
luke chillin´at Jean Luis´ incredible house with Volcàn Agua ever in the background
I just have to say that we only slept 4 hours and made it up and back in near record time! However it took 4 days for all the soreness to go away. Wish we could have included photos but lots of people are robbed on this hike so we went extra-light.
Hi Andrea and Luke!
I enjoy checking your blog every once in a while....beautiful pictures and such great experiences you are having! how awsome!!!
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