This, the cathedral of San Francisco, is one of my favorite churches in town. In addition to its interesting architedture and art, you are able to view its extensive ruins. This place is holds the tomb of Santo Hermano Pedro, the first cannonized saint from Central America (2002) as well as a hall of miracles, crutches and all, attributed to him. This is the view from outside the incredible gate, one of 12+ that surround the property. DonĀ“t let hunger interfere with your prayers, buy a hot dog or peanut brittle before entering.

These prayer candles are beside the tomb of Santo Hermano Pedro. If you look closely, you can see his image that appears on some of the candles here. This is one of four metal tables in this area. It was early in the day, so there were not many candles- at times there are flames swimming in rainbow colored pools of wax. Beneath are huge vats to catch the wax.
Candles are bought right on the premises in all shapes, colors and sizes.
white - purity
black - against envy
pink - against illness
blue - for getting work
light blue - for your studies or travel
yellow - protection
green - good business
red - love
purple - to stop vices
The second level of the hanging bundles are wax replacas of body parts, hearts, heads, arms, legs or (for good measure) the whole body. I've never seen these lit but they are tied to the figures of saints or to the protective gates/altars surrounding these saints that line the sides of every church. I've witnessed people in knelt in fervent prayer tapping the candles or wax forms against the tombs/statues.
I repect their faith that their specific requests are being heard. The hall of miracles is litterlly cluttered with gifts of thanks to Hermano Pedro< certificates of graduation, abandoned crutches, paintings, picutres of famiy members, embroidered textiles etc.
I don't know if it is my being American, but there are so many missing or fuzzy details surrounding religion, faith and prayer that I would like to get to the bottom of. Ususally I just observe and am content living with the mystery.

I went to an art gallery last month with a friend Mauro. He isn't an every Sunday catholic to say the lesat but he was raised in the church as is most of the populaion. According to him, Mary is God the Mother, the femine face of God the Father just as the Holy Spirit is the female face of Jesus the Son. Instead of a trinity it is a four sided figure or even a coin with two sides. Mary never died and that is one reason why we can pray to her, she is God after all. Mary has many names or personalities- there is the suffering Mary who is always shown with the sword piercing her heart, the ascending Mary, and the Mary of Conception. My personal favorite is Mary as Guadalupe - the Indiginous Mary, dark skinned, traditionally clothed and speaking a Mayan language. She is celebrated as part of the Christmas festivities but that is another story.
Such beautiful pictures. ..and the narrative is exsquisite..I love hearing everything from volcanoes to buritos....interesting comments re: the spiritual observations/experiences.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share glimpses with us.I appreciate it!! It makes me feel so lazy re: my correspondence,..ok maybe I'll reframe that..How inspiring!!!
Such beautiful pictures. ..and the narrative is exsquisite..I love hearing everything from volcanoes to buritos....interesting comments re: the spiritual observations/experiences.
Thank you so much for taking the time to share glimpses with us.I appreciate it!! It makes me feel so lazy re: my correspondence,..ok maybe I'll reframe that..How inspiring!!!
i am really enjoying reading your blog, and seeing the photos.
love to you both!
hey. i miss you. (this is my bossy voice.) post something, and then come back to my town and visit me soon.
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