After more than two months without leaving the ten block grid of Antigua, we headed for a day of hammocks, sun and naps on the Pacific coast. As much as I love the skyline of mountains in their steadfastness, I relished the movement of sand beneath my feet and the magic of the tides.
The ferry to MonteRico beach is its own marvel.

Model Luke
Gleeful Andrea

The tequilla sun set as the full moon awoke above the palms, as if in perfect balance with each other.
man, i miss you guys. and man, do i wish i could visit! much love to you both.
Ditto on both counts, I wish you could come visit us too! Guatemala gives everything you need, sun, mountains, and culture too.
Woww...awesome. Tequila sun reminds me of the Tequila Sunrises and Sunsets Alex and I used to enjoy.
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